123456, qwerty, football, iloveyou, these are in the top 10 of most used passwords. It’s a disaster, as a hacker can crack them within three seconds! And with that, they gain access to your personal (bank) details.
Do you want to be truly safe? Then set up two-step verification for all your accounts. This way, the security of your password becomes a lot less important. If the service does not offer two-step verification, then use an original password, or even better, a passphrase. So, not 12345678, not qwerty123, but Myc@tdrinksM3lk.
The most important thing about a password is its length. That’s why we often recommend using a passphrase. Come up with a password (phrase) of at least 12 characters. A password becomes stronger when you use other characters (numbers, punctuation) but length is always more important. A password of ten lower-case letters is 24 times stronger than a password of eight characters which also includes upper-case letters, numbers, and special characters.
Moreover, it’s important that your password is not obvious: ‘Pa$$w0rd’ seems like a strong password, but apart from being very short, it is also very predictable. A hacker will try the first 1000 obvious passwords; ‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’ is therefore not a good choice either. It’s hard to crack, but easy to guess because it’s at the top of the lists of common passwords. So, be creative and come up with an original passphrase, for example: Therewere3biggrazersinthemeadow! And remember, if passwords are stolen, it doesn’t matter whether you have a strong password. But if your accounts have different passwords, a hacker can’t access all your accounts at once. So make sure all your accounts have a different password!
Shall we see how quickly your password (phrase) can be cracked?